Moving Away from me

I am here, right beside you...
I am here, at you feet...
I am here...
I am always here...

Can you feel me
Can you see me
can you touch me...

I feel the wheels at my ears,
The moon turns red and the sounds fade
A portrait shaters away
The floor moves but I stand still...

I have always stand still
always listening the world moving away
But not anymore
You moved and made me move
not in the same direction
not in the same pace
but moving is new
changing, seing, touching
everything new...

My night

Over night,
I sell my soul to
the taste of your moon,
Your defying look makes me sweat,
you give me butterflies...,

Walking together in the night trees,
earing the obscure sounds,
I think of you,
My powerless angel

I like to control our power over each other,
It makes me evil to know I can lock you just upon a look
That I can arouse you with a touch,
But your melodious words make me your captive,
Your kiss makes me die in pleasure,

My dark night...make me fire...make me evil...


Unvaluable but like gold,
Over you..I feel it on you,
I'll do it for you,
I want you, I want freedom,
I couldn't live without you,
But you're so passive,
I need you to conquer and devour me...

Tough but so fragile,
your love conquers me,
but I need your anger
to wake me,
I need the new to come with the old,
the fresh with the overexisting,
the world and you,
I need you...